I wish I could say you found THE coolest place to hangout on the web. Truth is, I've always been the awkward kid who reads too much, so if you've found me, I'm going to assume that we're peeps and we have something in common.

The last few months have been busy, busy, busy. I released two new books and signed a contract for a brand new series from Guideposts. Details on these happenings plus any future items of note are in my newsletter, so be sure to sign up before you go (psst...there's a free ebook in it for ya. Tell your friends).

People say when I'm not reading or writing, I tend to be an extrovert, so please visit me on Twitter or Facebook so we can chat some more. At the very least, I'll share fun pictures of all my recent shenanigans, including a train trip to North Carolina which almost resulted in a long drop off a very steep cliff...

Talk soon,

USA Today Bestselling Author and Speaker

We should talk. Shoot me a message today!

Age: Is a number
FAVORITE WRITER: Is always the person who wrote the last book I read

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Quick Facts

Elizabeth Ludwig

Look who joined the party...